Power Rangers Actor Wants to Play Shang-Chi for Marvel

Marvel Studios has an incoming Phase 4, and they've announced that they're working on a movie centered on Asian superhero Shang-Chi. As it turns out, Power Rangers and Aquaman actor Ludi Lin wants in.

Talking to Screen Rant, Lin goes on about possibly moving over from DC to Marvel. He explains:

It's definitely something I want to do. To do an Asian-centric superhero. To tell that story. I mean ideally, I'd like to design my own superhero, make my own creation. But I think the Marvel world is pretty incredible as well. Especially in honor of Stan Lee, the person who created this entire, I mean like an entire universe. You know what I mean? It's pretty incredible. And I think it would be great because it would take another big step towards representation.

Lin had the role of the Black Ranger in the latest Power Rangers film, but seeing as that movie was a critical bomb, it's likely that we won't be seeing that iteration of the Rangers anytime soon. Lin also played a small role in Aquaman as Commander Murk. He didn't really have any moments that stood out, but Lin has now proven himself to be capable as long as martial arts and action is involved.

For now, Shang-Chi is still in its very early stages, and it's possible we won't be seeing anything until 2022 and beyond. Personally, I'd prefer if they made a movie on the Totally Awesome Hulk with Amadeus Cho, but who knows how long Paramount still has the rights for that?

No release date has been set for the Shang-Chi movie.

See Also: Marvel Studios is Bringing Their First Asian Hero, Shang-Chi, To The Big Screen