Pokerstars recently shared a video from an old episode of The Big Game, and one part of the episode caught the attention of Magic: The Gathering fans. At the 6:36 mark of the video above, poker pro player David Williams explained what Magic: The Gathering is all about after Doyle asked him about it. "It's a strategy game," Williams said and went on to compare the game to chess. "Each card has pictures on it that people say, are like Dungeons & Dragons but that's irrelevant. They all have text that tells you how it works which is akin to a chess piece."
Watch the video above.
It's amusing to watch the conversation between the poker players in this video. After all, many describe Magic: The Gathering as a combination of chess and poker because of its strategy and luck elements. Yes, this video confirms that chicks love Magic!
Do you think David Williams explained Magic well?