Pokemon Let's Go! Will Have Legendary Battles

Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee continue to receive mixed reactions from fans. While the two games have good graphics, fans are concerned about the Pokemon GO-like mechanics that will be a part of both titles. Players will only be able to catch Pokemon by throwing a ball at them, similar to GO, but it turns out that some of these monsters have exceptions.

Nintendo has confirmed that players will be able to battle the three legendary birds. Articuno, Moltres, and Zapdos can actually be fought and if players weaken them enough, they will be able to catch them. It's almost like an actual Pokemon game.

One neat thing fans will appreciate are the dramatic cutscenes added during encounters with the three legendary birds. This could mean that Mewtwo will also get a cutscene, but we're just assuming. If the new Pokemon games from 2019 can learn anything from the Let's Go titles, it's to add these dramatic scenes for all legendaries.

There are also a number of other GO related features that will be in the two games. Candies will be used to level up Pokemon or make them stronger. Players also get candies for transferring their extra Pokemon to Professor Oak, another feature that's similar to GO. This will probably tick off those that don't like the mobile game but there are worse mechanics to add.

It seems like these two games will continue to divide fans no matter what but it shouldn't matter as long as those that pick these up will enjoy them. The two games do look fun and these new features will at least provide something different from the usual Pokemon experience. Plus, a new game is coming out in 2019, so people can always wait for that.

Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee will come out on November 16 for the Nintendo Switch.

Read:New RPG From Pokemon Creators Coming to Switch in 2019