The anticipation for Spider-Man: No Way Home has been huge as it is expected to venture into the multiverse and feature the rumored appearances of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. But fans are also wondering what happens next for Tom Holland's Spider-Man after the film. Will he stay in the MCU? Will he move to Sony's Spider-Verse? Now, we may finally know the answer to that.
According to a rumor reported by The Cosmic Circus, it looks like Spider-Man is still going to stay in the MCU. Based on what they've heard, following the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home, the character will continue his journey in the MCU through another live-action trilogy along with three seasons of a Spider-Man Disney+ show that will alternate where each season will fill in the gap between each movie release. This plan could be connected to the recently-announced animated series Spider-Man: Freshman Year.
It should be noted that this is all just rumor so we have to take this with a grain of salt. It is interesting to hear this report nonetheless as it indicates that the character will be staying longer in the MCU and it hints that Sony and Marvel Studios might have already negotiated behind the scenes regarding the character's fate in the franchise. Some fans have been speculating that No Way Home will be Spider-Man's last hurrah in the MCU for a while.
The Cosmic Circus also pointed out that the announcement earlier this year regarding Disney and Sony's streaming deal might have hinted that the two companies are strengthening their relationship. Part of the deal is that the Spider-Man films will be streaming on Disney+ which puts it on the same home as the rest of the MCU films.
There's also the recent announcement regarding the upcoming animated series Spider-Man: Freshman Year which will explore Peter Parker's earlier days as Spider-Man in the MCU. It shows that we will see more of Spider-Man's journey in the MCU and No Way Home is not the last time that we're seeing him in the franchise.
But of course, we will be able to get a confirmation of what's next for Spider-Man in the MCU once we finally see Spider-Man: No Way Home next month. Whatever way it is going to end, it will show us what's next for the character in the MCU and answer the question that we've been asking.
Also Read: Is Kirsten Dunst in Spider-Man: No Way Home? Here's What She Had To Say
Spider-Man: No Way Home is set to be released in theaters on December 17. The second trailer is expected to drop tomorrow.