I think we've already established over the last couple of months that no one is safe from "cancel culture" and true to form, not even John Cena, arguably one of the nicest guys in Hollywood, and professional wrestling is immune to it. The multi-time WWE champion was recently under fire for comments he made during a 2006 interview with Howard Stern that some people deemed problematic.
In the said interview, Cena made comments about late wrestler and colleague Chris Kanyon, saying that the former WCW star "wasn't very good" in the world of professional wrestling. You see, during the time of Cena's Stern appearance, Kanyon portrayed himself as an "openly gay" wrestler. He would later reveal that his wrestling gimmick wasn't exactly a "gimmick" after all and admitted that he was an actual gay man.
Cena's comments about Kanyon, who died in 2010 from antidepressant overdose were unearthed following the premiere of Vice's hit wrestling documentary series The Dark Side of Wrestling. Shockingly enough, a lot of fans equated Cena's criticism of Kanyon's wrestling career to his homosexuality and following the release of the episode, fans took to Twitter to "cancel" the star of The Suicide Squad. Cena even became a hot trending topic on the social media platform.
Naturally, other fans came to Cena's defense, saying that his words were obviously taken out of context.
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Cena, who is quite active on social media hasn't responded to the call from fans to get him "canceled". I gotta say though, there's nothing "homophobic" about his statement and clearly, it was taken out of context by a lot of fans who are seemingly hell-bent on destroying one's career. This is why this entire cancel movement should end.
Peacemaker is expected to hit HBO Max in January 2022