Peacemaker: Ryan Reynolds Praises Show for Its Surprise Product Placement

Peacemaker is currently one of the most popular TV shows right now as fans are looking forward to watching the titular character's next adventure after the events of The Suicide Squad and finding out how the team will save the world from the mysterious "Project Butterfly." Now, it looks like the show has also gotten a seal of approval from Deadpool himself thanks to its product placement.

Ryan Reynolds, who of course is known for playing Marvel's Deadpool, posted on Twitter a screenshot of a scene from the recent episode of Peacemaker that featured a bottle of Aviation Gin, a brand of gin that he co-owns. He wrote in the caption, "Note to internet: watch more @DCPeacemaker Great cameos! @AviationGin." You can view the tweet here:

Later on, series writer and director James Gunn responded to the tweet by confirming that the bottle was indeed Aviation Gun and he thanked the actor for the mention. "Yes, I just checked with props & our special guest that day was indeed @AviationGin. Thanks for taking a ride on the Peace Train, @VancityReynolds. #Peacemaker," he wrote.

John Cena also responded to Reynolds' tweet by calling him a "fellow cosplayer" since, of course, they are now both actors who are currently playing a beloved comic book character.

It is awesome to see the interactions between Reynolds, Gunn, and Cena as they were being supportive of each other's works. It's hard to tell if the Aviation Gin's appearance in the episode was indeed a paid product placement or the props department just decided to put it in there. Either way, it gave us this fun social media interaction between the three people, and, in some way, it is also a "crossover" between DC and Marvel that fans online definitely got the kick out of.

Also Read: 5 Funniest Moments in Peacemaker Episode 5

New episodes of Peacemaker premiere every Thursday on HBO Max. You can check the countdown for the next episode here.