Star Trek and X-Men might be two entirely different properties, however, it seems like CBS All Access brand new Star Trek series Picard has actually taken pointers from Logan, Hugh Jackman's swan song as Wolverine.
Speaking in an interview with Variety to help promote his brand new series, Star Trek: Picard, the Star Trek legend Patrick Stewart talks about how Logan helped the show. According to the actor, his appearance in the 2017 X-Men movie helped him return to Star Trek. Apparently, Logan had helped the actor imagine a return to his Star Trek role as Picard.
"It was the best ‘X-Men' experience we both had, because we were the same characters but their world had been blown apart," the actor said when he talked about Logan.
This made Stewart think about his experience in the Star Trek franchise. Apparently, the actor's time in the franchise didn't end so well. The Next Generation didn't end on the same high note as Logan did, and according to Stewart, his last movie in the science fiction franchise, Nemesis, was weak.
Stewart wanted to return to Star Trek to make a mark in a franchise that he loved so dearly.
"I explained to them all those elements of ‘Next Generation' which belong in ‘Next Generation,' and why I didn't want to go near them again," he says. "But they talked about it in such an interesting way. And they talked for a long time." Stewart told the producers no, thank you, and sent them on their way. Then he had an immediate change of heart. He told his agent to ask Kurtzman to put his ideas in writing. Forty-eight hours later, Kurtzman sent over a more-than-30-page packet outlining a possible Picard series."
There's been a lot of excitement building up over Picard. Trekkies always loved Stewart in the Next Generation and now everyone's excited to see former Captain Jean Luc Picard find his way into another adventure, this time in CBS All Access brand new series.
Star Trek: Picard is set to premiere on January 23, 2020, on CBS All Access.
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