There's a lot to love about Blizzard's Overwatch, but surely one of the best things about the game is how diverse and colorful the characters are. The Overwatch animated shorts are also a great source of lore for characters, and Blizzard teases a new one coming this Wednesday.
Check out the announcement:
No hints have been dropped on who will be the central character of the animated short yet, but I have a feeling it's going to be based on one of the older characters. So far, the shorts have featured characters Bastion, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Tracer, Widowmaker, Reaper, Mei, Winston, Reinhardt, Brigitte, Zarya, Hanzo, and Genji.
There's also a bit about Junkrat and Roadhog pulling a heist on Junkertown, but I don't think that counts—mainly because the quality of animation isn't the same with the other shorts.
If you look at which characters are left, we still have a handful who haven't had their time to shine. Maybe we could see what happened to Zarya after she was recruited to track down Sombra, but I wouldn't be opposed to an Ana/Pharah origin or addition to Zenyatta's lore.
Catch the new Overwatch short Aug. 22, 3 a.m. PT.
Overwatch is now playable for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.