Overlooked Star Wars: The Last Jedi Easter Egg Shows Luke Salvaged His X-Wing After All

Star Wars: The Last Jedi revealed that Luke's X-wing was left submerged in the waters of Ahch-To, but this is not the full story.

Many fans may have missed an Easter egg in the movie that briefly showed that Luke Skywalker actually salvaged the S-foil wing of his iconic X-wing to use it as the door on his hut. This particular scene occurs during Rey's first few minutes on the planet. Luke immediately shunned her and closed the door of his hut on her, revealing the special door.

However, the image below appears to have been enhanced to better showcase the detail of the wing because, in the Star Wars film, it can really be difficult to spot.

In The Last Jedi (2017) The door to Luke’s hut is a salvaged S-foil wing from Luke’s X-wing.

Interestingly, in The Last Jedi novelization, this neat little detail was downright pointed out, so you may have known about this already if you have read the book.

Fans will notice the red notches on the back of the foil. These are not mere aesthetics, but actually a mark of the pilot's specific callsign in the squadron. As clearly shown in the picture, Luke flew as Red Five at least during the Battle of Yavin because there are five of those red lines painted on the wings.

The glimpse of the X-wing in Star Wars: The Last Jedi had much thought that Luke may fly it once more by the end of the film to save the day. Obviously, this didn't come to pass. The fact that it has been torn apart suggests that fans might not see Luke or anyone for that matter pilot it ever again.

Either way, this Star Wars: The Last Jedi Easter egg was a nice nod to Luke's history as a pilot. With his S-foil wing repurposed as the entrance to his home, it almost feels like it is still very much part of him even though he tried to forget everything that happened in the past.

I've got to admit, this detail escaped me too the first time. How about you?

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