Oscar Isaac Hated Wearing His X-Men: Apocalypse Costume

It's no secret that X-Men: Apocalypse is the weakest of the First Class trilogy, having some of the worst writing and special effects in the series. While it is better than The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine, it's still a pretty mediocre X-Men movie and a very generic superhero film. The actors haven't really spoken up about it but that has changed as Apocalypse himself, Oscar Isaac has some complaints about the film.

Speaking with GQ, Isaac said that filming Apocalypse was "excruciating," with his biggest complaint being about wearing the costume. It's bad enough that fans compared the costume to Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers but Isaac actually had to wear it and, apparently, it's not the most comfortable thing to put on.

"I didn't know when I said yes that that was what was going to be happening. That I was going to be encased in glue, latex and a 40-pound suit -- that I had to wear a cooling mechanism at all times. I was like, ‘oh, I get to work with these great actors that I like so much,' but I couldn't even see them because I couldn't move my head. And I had to sit on a specially designed saddle, because that's the only thing I could really sit on, and I would be rolled into a cooling tent in-between takes. And every time I moved, it was just like rubber and plastic squeaking, so everything I said had to be dubbed later as well. And then getting it off was the worst part, because they just had to kind of scrape it off for hours and hours. So, that was X-Men: Apocalypse."

You've gotta feel for Isaac since that sounds like a really bad time. Bad enough that he had to say cliche dialogue and be a fairly underdeveloped villain but being uncomfortable whilst doing this must have been the worst. Thankfully, Isaac has rebounded, starring in a number of great films since.

X-Men: Dark Phoenix comes out on June 2019. Oscar Isaac will be a part of Star Wars: Episode IX, reprising his role as Poe Dameron.

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