Orlando Jones Slams American Gods Bosses for Refusing to Pay Him for Season 2 Writing

In case you missed it, Orlando Jones has been fired from the third season of American Gods. However, it looks like problems with the Starz series started in Season 2. Jones has just revealed that the show executives refused to pay him for writing an important scene in the second season.

Jones recently spoke to GeeksWorldWide where he confirmed that he had writing credits in Season 2.

"In the season two opening there's a scene with Bilquis, Ibis, and [Mr.] Nancy so I rewrote and began writing those characters more often," Jones shared. "They asked me. Neil Gaiman asked me, and then the EP Jessie Alexander asked me, and then the studio and network asked me to continue. I started doing notes with the studio alone with the showrunner's permission, of course. I was very involved and they begged me to do it. They just didn't want to pay me."

Interestingly, Jones had a good reason to demand payment for the work he had done for the scene.

"I told them I could not go against my guild. It's a writer guild show and I'm a member. They had to pay me. They said no. I said, 'That's kinda racist. You paid all the white guys and they are at home…' The guild requires that. That's why it was so stupid for them to be so angry with me about it," Jones said.

It's a shocking revelation that could make matters worse for Fremantle, which has been producing American Gods. For now, the production company has yet to comment on Jones' new information. Stay tuned for more updates on this story.

It was previously reported that Jones was fired from American Gods Season 3 because of creative differences with new showrunner Charles Eglee. However, Fremantle released a statement saying Jones was let go from the series because his character was not significant in the Season 3 storyline.

Related: American Gods Being Investigated by SAG After Orlando Jones Firing