Original Suicide Squad Film Reportedly Was A 'Troubled Production'

It's no secret that 2016's Suicide Squad didn't turn out as most fans expected. This had a lot to do with speculations that Warner Bros. tried to get director David Ayer to change too many things in the film. Not surprisingly, the producer of the upcoming Suicide Squad movie has pointed out that the movie did suffer from "a troubled production."

We already know that Ayer isn't particularly happy with what happened to the Suicide Squad theatrical cut. The filmmaker has repeatedly pointed out that it didn't represent his own vision for the film.

Although Peter Safran was not involved in the 2016 film, the producer of The Suicide Squad admitted that he was fairly aware of the troubles that Ayer had gone through. Safran shared with Comicbook.com that they wondered how to come up with a sequel to the project.

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"The movie was incredibly successful. It was polarizing, to say the least, but clearly there was an idea of, how do we continue with this property?" he said. Safran then addressed that things weren't going so well for the movie behind the scenes.

"I'm sure they tried to analyze what worked and what didn't work with it, because it was really commercially successful, although it was a troubled production, because I gather that there was a real difference of opinion between the director and the studio that emerged through production and through post," Safran said.

Although it didn't work out too well for the first movie, it sounds like this will not happen again with this year's The Suicide Squad. Director James Gunn had famously pointed out how Warner Bros. gave him total freedom with the project so fans are guaranteed to see exactly what he had envisioned for the movie. And yes, that includes a gigantic starfish.

The Suicide Squad will bring back Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, Joel Kinnaman, and Jai Courtney from the first movie. The upcoming film will also introduce completely new characters like Bloodsport, Peacemaker, Polka Dot Man, The Thinker, King Shark, and many more.

The Suicide Squad will premiere in theaters and on HBO Max on August 5, 2021.

Related: The Suicide Squad Director Rejects John Cena's Plans of Wearing Peacemaker Suit at Premiere