Original Script For Zack Snyder’s Army of the Dead Had Half-Zombies Half-Humans

Earlier this week, word came out that Justice League director Zack Snyder was jumping back into the limelight with Vegas zombie heist movie, Army of the Dead. However, before the DC Extended Universe director came on board to helm the project, Army of the Dead was being developed by another filmmaker about ten years ago. In 2008, the project lay in the hands of The Things's Matthijs van Heijningen Jr. with Snyder set as a producer at the time.

While this doesn't come as much of a surprise considering how many times productions go on and off, the original script for the Army of the Dead actually had pretty explicitly disturbing rape scenes.

According to The Playlist, the original script for Snyder movie actually had moments were "male zombies were raping human females. Yes. And they have human hybrid zombie offsprings. It's a new take on the zombie genre, which is crazy."

The thought of half-human, half-zombie species might seem interesting, the thought of seeing zombies rape women doesn't sound like something most would want to see on the big screen. Not only would it spark controversy, it would also spark a whole lot of outrage given the temperament of audiences today. Rape isn't something that's to be dealt with lightly really.

Luckily, it seems like the script for Army of the Dead is being completely redone. Now, the film is a zobie action his film where a group of mercenaries try to make a heist in a quarantined zone.

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