The Obi-Wan Kenobi Disney+ series has been delayed and is said to start shooting next January. While there isn't much known about the series yet, it looks like the villain has already been set prior to the script being rewritten.
According to a report from The Illuminerdi, Legends Continuity character A'Sharad Hett would have been the central villain of the series.
Hett was a Jedi in the events of the Clone Wars in the old Legends Continuity but became non-canon when Disney bought Lucasfilm. The character eventually became a Jedi as well as a general and was also friends with Anakin Skywalker.
He then went to Tatooine to become a warlord with a burning resentment for the Empire. Hett made his way to the Lars' homestead not knowing it was Luke Skywalker's home where he encountered Obi-Wan.
It isn't surprising for Lucasfilm to potentially feature the character since they have been drawing from Legends for their canon materials. If this claim was confirmed and if the character will still be included in the show after rewrites, fans would surely be interested to know more about Hett.
There is very little information known about the upcoming show, but it has been already revealed that the Kenobi series is set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.
Ewan McGregor says the scripts "are really, really good" but they want to "make them better." The actor assures fans that it isn't a huge deal and it's not as "dramatic" as it sounds.
Would you like to see Hett in the series? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
The Obi-Wan Kenobi series has not been given an official release date but is expected to air on Disney+ in late 2021.
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