Nintendo of America's New President is Bowser

Fans everywhere were saddened to hear that Reggie Fils-Aime would be stepping down from his position as Nintendo of America's president. The man had made his presence known to many during the various Nintendo Direct presentations, as well as a number of conferences in E3 when the company used to do that. It didn't take long for Nintendo to name a new president but fans were shocked when they found out it was Bowser.

Doug Bowser that is.

That's right, the American branch of Nintendo is now under the control of a Bowser. Due to the man's last name, fans have been making a number of jokes about Nintendo never releasing another Mario game while he's in charge. It's currently one of the most popular jokes in the gaming community and we can all see why; that last name man.

All kidding aside, Bowser has stated that he learned a lot from Reggie and understands that these are big shoes to fill. You could argue that a Bowser's foot is larger than both of Reggie's feet and you see how easy it is to make jokes about this guy? Hopefully, he ends up making a lot of good decisions for the company but we'll still make jokes about his name.

This is the first photo of Doug Bowser when he joined Nintendo

We never getting a new Mario game ever again
— Nibel (@Nibellion)
February 21, 2019


We'll miss you, Reggie. Hope you enjoy retirement.

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