NFL Player Cassius Marsh is Starting A Stream Channel For MTG Arena

Trailer: WOTC

It's no secret that NFL player Cassius Marsh loves to play Magic: The Gathering. He was seen playing at Magic Grand Prix events as well as featured in several Command Zone videos on YouTube. The player also lost $20,000 worth of Magic cards two years ago after someone smashed his car's window and stole his collection.

Today, the San Francisco 49ers player has announced on Twitter that he will be starting a Magic Arena stream for his MTG followers.

"Got some great news today! I will be starting an MagicArena stream thanks to @cardkingdom and @wizards_magic," Marsh said. "and I couldn't be more stoked to start playing Magic Arena and create more content for my MTG followers."

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photo: Wizards of the Coast

Here's a video of Cassius Marsh playing at Grand Prix Las Vegas:

In this video from KNBR, Marsh explains how Magic sharpens his mind:

It's so cool to see an NFL player express his passion for Magic: The Gathering, and I'm looking forward to watching his Magic Arena streams.

If you're a Magic Arena player, we invite you to join our MTG Arena Facebook group here.

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