Following Thor: Love and Thunder's triumphant first teaser premiere, we finally saw a glimpse of Natalie Portman's Jane Foster as the highly-anticipated Lady Thor, wielding the well-known Thor hammer, Mjolnir. While Thor 4's entire plot remains undisclosed at this point, we can’t distinguish yet how Jane Foster would be developed into Lady Thor. However, a new online listing on Eaglemoss with an officially-licensed replica of the Mighty Thor's helmet for Thor: Love and Thunder offered very descriptive information about Natalie Portman's character, which seemingly confirms that Jane Foster would be suffering from cancer in the upcoming film.
Read the listing's description below:
"Suffering from cancer, astrophysicist and Thor’s ex-girlfriend, Jane Foster, visited New Asgard and her life was changed forever. Mysteriously, the broken pieces of Mjolnir, the hammer of the thunder god, transformed her into the Mighty Thor and gifted her the superpowers of Thor, to battle threats internal and external. Wielding Mjolnir herself, she had become a godly protector and a new hero was born!
With the help of Thor, Valkyrie, and the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Mighty Thor was faced by the powerful Gorr, the God Butcher. With divine powers himself, Gorr was driven to rid the universe of gods wherever he found them. Battling cancer in her human form and Gorr in her godly form, Jane Foster was embroiled in an epic struggle with plenty of love and thunder!"
If you're a Marvel Comics fan, this new information about Jane Foster's health condition in the upcoming film may not be surprising at all. In the Comics, Jane Foster battled breast cancer, and Mjolnir played a prominent role in her treatment in a sense. Every time Foster lifts the Mjolnir, aside from gaining mighty Thor's godlike abilities, all the toxins from her body including the chemotherapy toxins are expunged from her body, purifying her. Unfortunately, as soon as Mjolnir left her grasp, she would just revert back to being a normal person battling cancer.
While we don't know yet how Marvel will play with Natalie Portman's Jane Foster in the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder, the cancer storyline definitely works best for the upcoming fourth film.
We will unravel how Jane Foster's Lady Thor develops when Thor: Love and Thunder hit the big screens on July 8, 2022.
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