New The Walking Dead Season 9 Teaser Introduces Alpha's Daughter

We've already seen the terrifying Alpha and Beta in the previous teasers for The Walking Dead Season 9 mid-season premiere. Now it's time to meet another important member of the Whisperers who could be the reason why the group decides to attack Alexandria in the first place.

The new teaser is aptly called New Threats and opens with Michonne leading a blindfolded girl into Alexandria. "What we did means Alexandria survives," Michonne says. "So are we doing this or what?" Carol asks as a group of walkers are seen entering a room. But what exactly did the Alexandrians do? There's a brief scene showing a terrified Whisperer being unmasked and brought into the community.

Tara is clearly on to something. "It's not safe out here anymore until we find out what this is," she tells her companions. But do we already know what it is? It is later revealed that the girl who was imprisoned by Daryl Dixon is Alpha's daughter. "My mom, you don't mess with her," she tells Daryl. "What is she?" he asks. The girl has an ominous response. "Be glad you don't know," she says.

In the comic books, Alpha's daughter Lydia is the only Whisperer whose real name is actually revealed. She was taken in by the Alexandrians and eventually forms an intimate relationship with Carl Grimes. However, considering that Carl is no longer in the series, it could mean that Lydia will have a different role to play.

The Walking Dead Season 9 will return on AMC on February 10.

Related: New The Walking Dead Teaser Reveals Best Look At Alpha, Beta, And The Whisperers