New Teasers for HBO's Watchmen Gives a Creepy Glimpse at Alternate American History

HBO's upcoming Watchmen series has a lot of people curious since this won't be a direct adaptation of the comic book. It's sort of a sequel to the comic book and is technically a series that follows the legacy of what happened in that graphic novel. The Instagram of HBO's new show has now shared several new teasers and it looks like we'll be getting a creepy look at an alternate American history.

First, we get the pirate flag that is clearly a callback to Tales From The Black Freighter. This was an in-universe comic that would occasionally foreshadow events that would happen in the comic. Next, we have a reference to Doctor Manhattan in Mars with the "Reach out and touch to Mars" bit.

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
8,689 Likes, 131 Comments - Watchmen (@watchmen) on Instagram: "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Reach out and touch Mars.
6,961 Likes, 76 Comments - Watchmen (@watchmen) on Instagram: "Reach out and touch Mars."

What's really creepy however is the new American flag. For those that don't remember, this version of America not only won the Vietnam War but actually absorbed it and turned it to one of its states. This is because they had people like The Comedian and Doctor Manhattan, the latter of whom obliterated the armies and essentially gave America the win.

It's not 1985 anymore.
5,922 Likes, 87 Comments - Watchmen (@watchmen) on Instagram: "It's not 1985 anymore."

As of this writing, there is still no release date for HBO's Watchmen. The series is set to be released sometime in 2019.

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