On Wednesday, Wizards of the Coast announced the new Players Tour events for tabletop Magic: The Gathering, and some WPN stores will be able to run qualifying events next year. Today, Wizards revealed that there are two ways for WPN stores to host a store-level qualifier for Players Tour events: Wizards Play Network Qualifiers (WPNQ) and Players Tour Qualifiers (PTQs).
WPN stores who reach Premium level can run 1 WPNQ per Players Tour (3 per year), and each WPN store who runs a WPNQ can get 32 promotional copies of "Arcbound Ravager" to use as prizes. These events will start in October.
For Players Tour Qualifiers, WPN stores can also license a package from Wizards of the Coast that includes a stack of promo cards ("Cryptic Command"), a Players Tour invite, two cases of booster boxes, and exclusive marketing materials for PTQs.
PTQs will start on January 2020 but WPN stores can start applying in November 2019. According to the chart from Wizards of the Coast shown below, Players Tour Qualifiers will each require a travel provision for the winner, so that's a good thing but I hope that the prizing kits that Wizards provide will be of minimal cost, because it'll probably cost players too much just to join a PTQ that pays out a fraction of the amount as prizes to offset the cost of both judges and the travel reward for the winner.
Are you planning to participate in the WPNQs and PTQs? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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