Toei Animation
While we wait for the upcoming new episodes of Dragon Ball Super, the manga series is moving forward with its new Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc. The arc is focused on a powerful ancient sorcerer named Moro, who has just escaped from the Galactic Prison. The latest chapter of the manga reveals Moro's nefarious plan since his freedom, and the reveal takes us back to the franchise's beloved roots.
Chapter 44 of Dragon Ball Super shows Moro is with a crook who also escaped thanks to Moro's help. It turns out that the crook heard about the Namekian Dragon Balls from a member of the Frieza Force he was locked up with, and he is using Moro's unique sensory abilities to locate where the new Planet Namek is hidden. A scene with Moro and the Crook reveals that they've agreed on a deal in which the crook would help Moro find the Namekian Dragon Balls in exchange for one of the three wishes they grant, and Moro is cool with that plan as he seems to be interested in just one wish, which is probably not going to be good for the universes.
The original Dragon Ball series was centered around Goku and his friends constantly searching for the seven Dragon Balls around the world before a villain gets them first. Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super have focused less on the hunt for the Dragon Balls and that plot device has become more of a sidequest in the series. It would be fascinating to see how Goku and his team will be able to gather all the Dragon Balls before Moro and the crook can get them.
Here's the reported synopsis of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner arc:
"Shortly after the ToP and the events of DBS: Broly, Goku and Vegeta are training together when Bulma passes along a message from Mister Satan that a mysterious group has appeared at his house and is attempting to kidnap Buu. Goku and Vegeta go to investigate and indeed find a group loading the (still sleeping) Buu into a familiar-looking spaceship."
Dragon Ball Super: Broly is now showing in theaters worldwide. Dragon Ball Super currently airs on Adult Swim during Toonami's Saturday evenings at 9:30 p.m. It's also available to stream on Funimation and Amazon Video.
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