New Avengers: Infinity War Theory Suggests Stan Lee Has The Most Powerful Weapon In MCU

We all know that Thor's new hammer Stormbreaker would've been strong enough to kill Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War. But nay, is there a weapon in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that could be more powerful than the one the Odinson wields?

In Infinity War, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) set off to Nidavellir and persuaded Eitri (Peter Dinklage) to forge a new weapon that will defeat the Mad Titan. In order to do so, the Odinson had to harness the power of a dying star. The mission left Thor slightly scorched and bruised, but his hair remained unscathed.

One Reddit user has pointed out that the only thing that managed to inflict any damage on Thor's hair was Stan Lee's mechanical hand in Thor: Ragnarok. They then questioned if the Sakaarian barber held the most powerful weapon in the MCU.

Thor’s hair was untouched after taking the full force of the star that was used to heat the metal that forged Mjolnir and Storm Breaker. Does this mean that the “buzzer” in Thor: Ragnarok is one of the strongest weapons in the MCU?

Naturally, the post got plenty of comments from Marvel fans. One pointed out that the strange contraption was not necessarily powerful but it took its strength from "the most powerful man in MCU." Others pointed out that Asgardians can still be wounded but have a strong resistance against energy damage.

The idea of Lee giving Thor a haircut in Ragnarok also had some special meaning behind it. After all, Lee somehow created the Marvel comic book character and it was only right that he would be the one to drastically change the Odinson's appearance. In some way, Lee is still the most powerful person in the MCU.

The Avengers: Infinity War DVD and Blu-Ray were released on August 14.

Related: Stan Lee Offers Hilarious Update On His Hand Injury