New Avengers 4 Art Piece Imagines Iron Man’s New Armor

Knowing that Robert Downy Jr.'s Iron Man usually arrives with new armor during the beginning of every Marvel movie that he's in, fans are expecting Tony Stark to bring in a new Iron Man suit once he appears in Avengers 4.

Now, thanks to a new art piece from the artist Ultraraw26, fans get to have an idea of what a new Iron Man suit for Avengers 4 would look like. While this new design from the fan artist features the very same torso design of the Iron Man Bleeding Edge suit in Avengers: Infinity War, there are some pretty major upgrades to the suits' arms and legs.

Check it out down here:

One of the most noticeable changes are the gauntlets on Iron Man's arms. Red with blue LEDs, the gauntlets in Ultraraw 26's design look a lot like energy conductors surging with electricity between each pole. In Avengers: Infinity War fans got to see Iron Man deploying a few rays with his blasters, however, these new gauntlets seem like an entirely different weapon. Not only do they seem larger, but they also seem more powerful.

Those aren't the only updates in Iron Man's new suit. The design also features more golden parts in Iron Man's armor, the color gathering around the suit's legs and arms.

It's a pretty stunning design, and while it's possible that Joe and Anthony Russo could be preparing something entirely different for Tony Stark in Avengers 4, we'd be happy seeing updates like these on the Iron Man armor in the upcoming Avengers movie.

After all, Tony is going to need all the tech that he can get his hands on if he's going to help undo Thanos' massacre in Avengers 4.

Avengers 4 hits cinemas May 3, 2019.

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