A weekend surprise for everyone on Netflix is an original series from the books of Michael Connelly, The Lincoln Lawyer. The show revolved on one question: who killed Jerry Vincent? He’s the attorney who left his whole practice to the titular character, Mickey Haller, who just came back after months of recovery from addiction and an accident.
Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Lincoln Lawyer! Read at your own risk!
Netflix's The Lincoln Lawyer: Who Killed Jerry Vincent?
The very first episode of The Lincoln Lawyer showed the death of one Jerry Vincent who was on his way to his car at a parking lot when he felt that he was being followed and true enough, he was and he was shot to death by an unknown man who took only his laptop but not his money or phone. However, before his death, he already had his business taken care of as he left a note leaving his entire practice to Mickey Haller.
A former colleague in the practice, Mickey Haller is fresh from recovery after he encountered an accident from surfing which led to his addiction and rehab. Baffled as to why he inherited a whole practice, Haller made sure to get all the cases of Vincent in place and to handle those properly in the name of his predecessor while looking for justice for him.
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Throughout the series, Haller coordinated with Detective Griggs to find out who the killer of Vincent is and in the finale, Haller finally figured out what happened and whoever instructed McSweeney to kill Vincent and Haller. In the penultimate, the same person who killed Vincent tried to kill Haller, too.
Then they finally pieced out everything: Vincent’s death was because of a jury-rigging conspiracy which he was supposed to intervene. Vincent found out that Juror Number 7 in Elliot’s case would be rigged and he wanted to file a continuance even if it is against the wishes of his client. The bribe, after all, was not for McSweeney but for someone else.
With such a continuance, a different set of jurors would be taken and that would remove the planted juror. It was Judge Holder all along, the very judge who checks in on Haller regarding his practice. Vincent must have known this and that caused his death because if he would be able to submit the continuance, then Holder’s juror would not be seated.
The Lincoln Lawyer is now streaming on Netflix.