Netflix has released the first trailer for Shinsuke Sato's upcoming Japanese series Alice in Borderland, which is based on a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Haro Aso. The trailer gives us a look at a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, and features a star-strangers trapped in a deadly game that can kill them, and there's a lot of things that can kill them. There's certainly a lot of things going on in the trailer as it shows action-packed scenes of the chaotic game. There are tigers, a lot of playing cards, swimsuit swordfights, and vitally important cellphones. A diabolical game master is behind this, and it looks like they have no choice but to play or die. There's also a mysterious woman who seems to know a lot more about what's going on.
Director Shinsuke Sato started his directorial career with Princess Blade, the live-action version of the manga Lady Snowblood. He also directed Alice in Borderland star Kento Yamazaki in Kingdom.
Netflix's Alice in Borderland is set to premiere on December 10.
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