Netflix Says It’s More Afraid Of Fortnite Than It Is HBO

Netflix might have a whole lot of problems to face with major studios attempting to join the streaming service game by creating their own sites like Disney and its upcoming Disney+, however, it seems like the streaming giant is less worried about having the Mickey Mouse House as its new competition. Instead, Netflix actually believes that its biggest rival comes from the video game industry, saying that Epic Games' Fortnite has become a threat to the company.

A new earnings report for Netflix went up earlier today, and in the post, the company noted that they have a surprising threat in Fortnite. According to the streaming giant, Epic Game's online videogame has been estimated to take up about 10 percent of the television screen time in the US – gamers are spending more time on Fortnite than they're using Netflix and other streaming sites.

"We earn consumer screen time, both mobile and television, away from a very broad set of competitors. We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO," Netflix wrote on its earning's call report.

Seeing Fortnite as a serious competitor to Netflix might sound a bit surprising considering that the game doesn't even sit in the same playing field as the streaming giant, but the company does make a pretty good point. There are so many netizens around the world who are preoccupied with online games like Fortnite, taking away potential subscribers and viewers for Netflix and for traditional networks like HBO and Disney.

What do you think of Netflix's new rival? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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