In the aftermath of the huge success of the Korean series Squid Game, Netflix started to develop more spinoff projects to expand the franchise even further including a reality show based on the challenges that were seen in the original series (obviously without the death consequences).
After going through a global search for the contestants, production is now underway for the reality show titled Squid Game: The Challenge in the UK. However, it looks like the project is already experiencing some behind-the-scenes troubles just early in its filming.
According to a recent report from The Sun, some of the contestants are experiencing medical issues due to the freezing temperatures during the filming of the "Red Light, Green Light" challenge, which is the very first game as depicted by the original series.
Apparently, the contestants were feeling unwell and are experiencing frostbite after playing the game since they remain motionless for hours in order to win the game. "It was like a warzone. People left in tears," described one of the players who told the outlet.
Another source added, "Even if hypothermia kicked in then people were willing to stay for as long as possible because a lot of money was on the line. Too many were determined not to move so they stood there for far too long."
Netflix has responded to the claims about the show's troubled production (via Deadline) where they said "while it was very cold on set – and participants were prepared for that – any claims of serious injury are untrue."
"We care deeply about the health and safety of our cast and crew, and invested in all the appropriate safety procedures," they added.
While we don't have definitive confirmation about what is actually happening behind the scenes, we certainly hope that the production is going smoothly and the contestants will be in a safe and healthy environment where they can play without any accidents or serious issues.
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Netflix has not set a release window yet for Squid Game: The Challenge. You can check more details about it here.