Netflix's My Life With the Walter Boys is a coming-of-age story that follows an orphaned teen's new life as she joins a family with 10 siblings. The series introduces new actors, one of which is Zoe Soul. Who is she and what role is she playing in My Life with the Walter Boys?
Who Plays Haley in My Life with the Walter Boys?
The role of Haley Young in My Life with the Walter Boys is being played by Zoe Soul.
She is described as an honorary member of the Walter family since she has been with Will for quite a long time. Her character works part time at The Lark Café while she takes up her master's degree.
Like Jackie (played by Nikki Rodriguez), Haley is from the city. This explains why she has an eclectic style in the series.
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Who is Zoe Soul from My Life with the Walter Boys?
In My Life with the Walter Boys, Zoe Soul plays Haley Young. But who is the young actress?
Her real name is Zoe Soul Borde and she was born on November 1, 1995. The 28-year-old started her career as a model under Ford Models agency. She then pursued a career in acting in 2011 when she played Kaci Reynolds in Reed Between the Lines. She was in 25 episodes of the series.
Apart from being a model and actress, Soul is a singer and dancer. She also has her own band where she regularly performs with. Her band is called Zoe and the Bear.
You can stay up-to-date with the actress on her Instagram account.
Where You've Seen Zoe Soul Before
As mentioned, Zoe Soul starred in 25 episodes of Reed Between the Lines, which aired on BET.
After that, she gained recognition for her role in Denis Villeneuve's 2013 film, Prisoners. Her role as Eliza Birch earned her an NBR Award for Best Ensemble Cast. She shares the award with other notable actors like Hugh Jackman, Viola Davis, and Jake Gyllenhaal.
Her other projects include The Purge: Anarchy, The Last Two Lovers at the End of the World, Brown with Blue, and Unfollowed.
It's exciting to see what's in store for Soul in the future. Given her acting chops and musical ability, it's no surprise why she's found success at such a young age.
Check out this video of Zoe Soul singing You Don't Know Me:
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