My Hero Academia Chapter 377 Spoilers, Leaks Reveal AFO’s Slipping Control on Shigaraki

My Hero Academia Chapter 377 spoilers shigaraki

My Hero Academia Chapter 377 spoilers shigaraki

My Hero Academia Chapter 377 spoilers and leaks have begun spreading online, and it shows that All For One’s control over Tomura Shigaraki is slipping as he fights with Deku.

The previous chapters of the series are set in other areas like the Central Hospital.

But now, the events have finally shifted back to the U.A. Fortress where the heroes are desperately trying to fight AFO-Shigaraki with the help of Deku.

Spoiler Warning: There are possible My Hero Academia Chapter 377 spoilers in this article.

U.A. Fortress Events

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Similar to the previous chapters, the My Hero Academia Chapter 377 leaks mention that this is a short chapter with only 11 pages. This makes sense given that author Kohei Horikoshi is reportedly dealing with health issues.

Despite its short length, the chapter sees some major developments. But first, a narration says that the heroes are currently in a bad place as the villains are striking back hard.

This is in sharp contrast to the beginning of the Final Arc where it seemed that the heroes have a good chance of taking down the villains, at least aside from Shigaraki.

The chapter begins with a portal opening at the U.A. Fortress. Aizawa aka Eraser Head sees Present Mic there and immediately understands what it means.

Soon, Twice clones make it through the portal and attack Aizawa and company.

These clones begin their attack on Aizawa as well as on Manual and Monoma. Because of this, Monoma averts his gaze from Shigaraki for just one second.

Right after, a huge explosion rocks the fortress and sends it falling as the power poles are destroyed.

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All For One’s Slipping Control

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In the meantime, Skeptic has taken over the U.A. system and the underground shelters. But it seems that he is stopped by La Brava and Detective Tsukauchi.

Finally, Shigaraki and Deku’s fight is a big highlight in the chapter.

Deku is shown to be in danger as he is feeling tired due to the effects of Gearshift on his body. If he doesn’t rest, he won’t be able to breathe.

While things are looking dire for him, he notices that Shigaraki’s personality has returned based on his speech. It then seems like AFO’s control over Shigaraki is slipping.

The second One For All user says that this might be their best chance for victory.

But you’ll want to take these My Hero Academia Chapter 377 spoilers with a grain of salt as these are not yet confirmed.

For the official details, you’ll want to wait for the chapter’s release on Manga Plus next week.

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