The player base for Magic: The Gathering's Pioneer is growing thanks to Wizards of the Coast's development and support for the new format through recent and upcoming Players Tour and Grand Prix tournaments. It took months for WotC to monitor which particular cards to ban and restrict in Pioneer, and they made some important changes to the format outside of the scheduled ban and restricted announcement to help balance it out, and now it looks like Pioneer is well-balanced.
Over on Twitter, senior MTG designer Aaron Forsythe has announced that Pioneer is off the weekly "lunch" ban cycle, and it's now rolled in with all other Magic formats, so that means no more sudden ban and restricted announcement without advance notice, and now he revealed that there's currently nothing on the calendar for Pioneer.
Just in case you're not familiar to the format, Pioneer is the new non-rotating MTG format established last year, and it allows players to use from the Return to Ravnica set and forward.
Back in December, Wizards of the Coast announced that there will no longer be scheduled B&R updates, but they still expect changes to come in a similar pace, and they will always announce changes on Mondays while allowing flexibility in exact week of changes.