Moon Knight just dropped its first two episodes and it already got the viewers hooked to the new Marvel Cinematic Universe series with the story. A new TV spot is released for the show and new scenes are included, one has in it Steven Grant in what seems like a psychiatric ward of a hospital with all the white tiles, walls, and even his hospital wear.
In the teaser titled Truth, it starts with Harrow narrating that it is the start and we see Moon Knight, covered with blood and dirt, seeming like he is in a struggle while Khonshu stands beside him. There was also a glimpse of a ship sailing through the sands of Egypt and a fight that Moon Knight will surely prevail. But what stole the attention of many is Steven Grant laughing by himself in a psychiatric ward saying “really amazing.” Steven closes the clip with a “woo!”
Did Steven Grant just got himself committed into a psychiatric ward like he said to Marc in Episode 2? In Summon the Suit, Steven Grant had a heart-to-heart talk with Marc Spector while in the storage unit where he found a military cot and tons of stuff that he feels it’s “illegal.” He sees cash, guns, a passport under the name of Marc Spector, and then, the scarab.
He gets to confront Marc once more, this time, a more intense situation, calling him the “man in the mirror,” and when he asks what is happening, whether he is a secret agent, Marc says it is much complicated and Steven still gets trouble wrapping his mind around things. Steven is afraid to sleep and he would not give the control to Marc.
Related: Moon Knight Episode 2: Who is Layla?
Marc introduces himself as the servant of Khonshu, the avatar of the Egyptian god of the moon. As he gets a panic attack, he threatened Marc that he would go to the authorities and get caught so he would not be able to hurt anyone, possibly pertaining to committing himself into a psychiatric ward so he would be contained.
Moon Knight Episode 3 arrives on April 13, 2022 via Disney Plus.