Moon Knight End Credits Confirm Arrival of Marc Spector's Third Personality

Credit: Marvel Studios

Credit: Marvel Studios

Warning: if you haven't seen Episode 1 of Moon Knight, this article contains spoilers so read at your own risk!

Marvel Studios' latest superhero offering Moon Knight is finally here and following months of anticipation from the fandom, it's already safe to say that the Marvel Cinematic Universe diehards are already invested in the Oscar Isaac-led series. The character is still a complete unknown to fans of the MCU, especially those who didn't follow his comic book run but to put it simply, Moon Knight's alter-ego is a man named Marc Spector who suffers from dissociative identity disorder, meaning he has more than one personality.

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Credit: Marvel Studios

So far, the teasers for the new MCU series have confirmed that apart from Spector's superhero identity, Steven Grant will also play a major factor in the show. Apparently, the character's third civilian personality Jake Lockley will also be making an appearance in the show.

During the show's end credits, Oscar Isaac's face is split into three, obviously alluding to his multiple personalities and while the show has yet to reveal his third alter-ego, it's already safe to assume that it will in fact be Lockley.

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Credit: Marvel Studios

Also Read: Moon Knight: Fans React to New MCU Series' First Episode

In the comics, Jake Lockley is Moon Knight's street-smart personality, a complete contrast to the awkward Steven Grant and his real identity Marc Spector. It was initially believed that Spector's mental condition spawned his multiple personalities but the most recent iteration of the character seems to suggest that his D.I.D. wasn't responsible for it. In fact, it was hinted that Khonshu taking over his body and consciousness led to him having three personas.

Moon Knight's debut episode is already streaming exclusively on Disney+.