Disney+'s new series Moon Knight marks the debut of well-acclaimed actor Oscar Isaac into the MCU's expanding universe. Following Moon Knight's first episode triumph, viewers met Steven Grant, a gift shop employee suffering from disassociative disorder while trying to outrun Egyptian god Khonshu's control. Viewers also got a glimpse of Grant's other persona, Marc Spector AKA Moon Knight. While it's too early to predict what's going to happen with either Steven Grant or Marc Spector, fans wondered if there will be another existing MCU character in the show, especially with rumors swirling that Mark Ruffalo's Hulk will make an appearance in the show.
The Moon Knight-Hulk crossover rumors first surfaced when Mark Ruffalo was spotted in Budapest during Moon Knight's filming. In a recent interview, Moon Knight lead star Oscar Isaac adds fuel to the fire by expressing interest in meeting Ruffalo's character Bruce Banner, in future MCU projects.
Now, Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab breaks his silence on the Moon Knight-Hulk crossover rumors.
In an interview with Screen Rant ahead of the series premiere, director Mohamed Diab discussed Moon Knight's future in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. When asked if there's another project the director would like to helm, Diab expressed interest in Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner and wants the character to team up with Oscar Isaac's Moon Knight.
"I love a lot of people. I love everyone in the MCU. Oscar said this idea about teaming up with the Hulk. It's a crazy idea to have two people, in a way, who have two characters interacting with each other. Just imagine that back and forth, back and forth, between the four of them. It would be so interesting. I like Mark Ruffalo, for sure. I love everyone, but I'm telling you that interaction could be very interesting."
Mark Ruffalo's appearance in the new Disney+ series is still unconfirmed at this point. But these little hints seem to point out that the character might really appear in the series. It's also the perfect time for Ruffalo's Banner to surface again, as Bruce Banner is set to come back in the upcoming She-Hulk series, which is slated after Moon Knight.
Moon Knight Episode 1 is now streaming on Disney+ and She-Hulk is pushing a 2022 release date.
Also Read: Marvel Writer Unveils First Choice for Moon Knight Villain