Oscar Isaac's debut into the MCU as Moon Knight is currently receiving the spotlight. Alongside Isaac, the Disney+ series also stars May Calamawy as Layla and Ethan Hawke's Arthur Harrow, who is the main villain of the series. As Disney+'s latest series is almost coming to an end, fans are wondering how things will end for Marc Spector and Steven Grant.
Moon Knight's recent episodes revolve around Grant and Spector's journey navigating the Asylum led by Arthur Harrow, the duo's connection with hippo goddess Taweret, and their journey in Duat, the Egyptian underworld. While it's already given that Moon Knight's episodes 4 and 5 have completely baffled the viewers, fans are wondering how the last episode will wrap up the series.
Just a few days from the finale, Moon Knight's director teases what to expect and how he and the MCU approached this distinctive story.
Talking to Entertainment Weekly, Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab teased the fans about what to expect with the show's finale. "I hope it's a satisfying wrap-up to our story. I feel it is. There are some surprises," Diab said. "I think the audience deserves a big action sequence, but it's more than that. It has some twists and turns, and I really feel like it's a satisfying ending to our journey."
Moon Knight's Asylum episode dived deeper into Marc Spector's mental health and how the Steven Grant persona emerged, and the director opens up on the relevance of the episode. Diab explained, "I was not educated enough about [DID]. We know about the multiple identities, but I never knew why. Through episode 5, you understand that usually people who have DID are traumatized when they're kids, and they create a character that can overcome their fear or shield themselves from their fear. They create a character that didn't go through that trauma. I love how that's integrated into the story — it makes the whole show."
So far, Moon Knight has been receiving positive reviews from both critics and audiences. However, the action sequence is something that many fans have felt that the show has been lacking. Despite that, fans are generally pleased with the show's storytelling, cinematography, and even its comedy elements.
Recent reports claim that Moon Knight's finale episode will only be 45-minutes long, even though the show has huge confusing plot holes and a lot of potential secrets have not yet been unraveled, like Spector's third persona, Jake Lockley who hasn't yet appeared in the series.
Nevertheless, Moon Knight would certainly deliver a satisfying ending. Considering how Moon Knight is a complex character in its source material, both MCU and Disney definitely pulled off the character triumphantly.
Moon Knight Episodes 1 to 5 are available to stream on Disney+.
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