Moon Knight has taken the spotlight as the first Disney+ series slated for 2022. Helmed by Mohamed Diab, the series follows Steven Grant, a gift shop employee trying to navigate through his dissociative identity disorder and his entanglement with his other identity, Marc Spector, who is the avatar of Egyptian God Khonshu.
Now that the show wrapped things up for the Grant, Spector, and the surprising Moon Knight third persona, Jake Lockley, fans seemingly loved the MCU's new addition to their continuously expanding character slate. However, the show of course still wasn’t entirely safe with criticisms, especially after a fellow Marvel actor spotted an inaccuracy of representation on the show.
Shang-Chi and The Legend of Ten Rings' Simu Liu previously took to Twitter and made fun of the show's second episode, particularly criticizing Arthur Harrow's (Ethan Hawke) Mandarin dialogue. Liu tweeted, “Alright Arthur Harrow needs to fire his Mandarin teacher." While the general fans appear to agree, Isaac or director Mohamed Diab never spoke about the actor's comment.
Gladly, in a new interview with ScreenRant, Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab finally responds to Liu's criticism of Harrow's Mandarin. Diab wasn't upset with Liu's comment, instead, he was thankful for pointing out the inaccuracy and that he hopes to do better next time.
"In episode 2, Harrow was speaking Mandarin, and Simu Liu commented that this is not accurate," Diab said. "I wasn't upset. I actually told him, "Thank you for pointing that out." We had an expert, and we tried to do our best. But you know what? Next time, we're going to do better. There's still room, if one day we're expanding this, and I think we're all ears. You won't meet anyone who believes in representation and that everyone's voice should be heard more than me. Definitely, when we have round 2 - if I'm allowed, and if there is round 2 - we're gonna hear every comment and try to make everyone even more pleased."
Diab undoubtedly sets a good example for receiving criticisms and learning from your mistakes. While a potential second season remains undisclosed, if ever Diab returns to helm Moon Knight's next adventure, these criticisms would definitely help the director in being more careful and accurate in every way.
Moon Knight's Mandarin was an unintentional mistake, and it's good to know that Diab has accepted the responsibility for the oversight. Thankfully, the director used it as a room for improvement, so when a second season is announced, we can expect not just more fun and action sequences, but also a more accurate representation.
Moon Knight is streaming on Disney+.
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