As a special treat for Japanese viewers, director and star Michael B. Jordan announced that a special anime by the creators of Megalobox will be shown after Creed III screenings in Japan.
This special anime was revealed by Jordan through his official Instagram page. There, a visual for the Megalobox-inspired anime was revealed along with a special message from the director himself in Japanese.
Not a lot of details have been shared about what the anime will be about, though given that it will play at the end of the film, it’s likely an anime short instead of a full-blown OVA.
Creed III’s Surprising Anime Inspirations
Creed III was released in US cinemas back in March, and it got a surprising amount of buzz from anime fans. This is because Michael B. Jordan revealed that the film was heavily inspired by anime.
A big anime fan, Jordan was inspired by lots of shonen action shows in his directorial debut. In interviews, Jordan specifically mentioned shows like Hajime no Ippo, Megalobox, and My Hero Academia.
These anime that he mentioned are major inspirations for the fight scenes, though other elements of the movie were also inspired by them.
For instance, Jordan said that the relationship between Adonis (played by Jordan) and Damian (played by Jonathan Majors) in the movie was informed by the bond between rivals like Naruto and Sasuke, as well as Bakugo and Deku.
Jordan also mentioned that there’s one punch in the movie that’s taken straight out of Dragon Ball Z.
Megalobox Creators Make an Anime Special for Creed III
Now, Jordan is giving even more love to anime as he revealed a special anime for Creed III’s Japanese release. This new anime is directed by Yo Moriyama and written by Katsuhiko Monabe and Kensaku Kojima.
The director and the writers are key staff members of the Megalobox anime and its sequel. This anime special will also be animated by the same studio as Megalobox, TSM Entertainment.
While there’s no teaser trailer for it yet, a striking visual was shared:
Jordan confirmed that the anime will play at the end of Creed III screenings in Japan. Because of this, it’s likely a short anime film, or maybe even an anime ending credits sequence.
Creed III will open in Japanese cinemas on May 26. Meanwhile, the film is now available on selected digital retailers in the US.
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