Meet The New Guardians of The Galaxy

After the dramatic events of Infinity War, sorry, Infinity Wars, Marvel has decided to assemble a new Guardians of the Galaxy team to, well, guard the galaxy. What else are they going to do, not have an ongoing comic book series? Rather than assemble the same team from the films, Marvel revealed an awesome new team that will appeal to old-school fans of Danny Abnett and Andy Lanning.

In Guardians of the Galaxy #1, written by Donny "can do no wrong" Cates and Geoff "draws awesome stuff" Shaww, we find out that someone is going to become the new Thanos. Seems like the Mad Titan was smart enough to have a backup plan as his soul will soon be in someone else's body. With no one wanting a new Thanos around, the cosmic heroes gather and try to stop this new villain before it's too late.

So, who are the new Guardians? Here they are:
(Marvel Comics)

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That's right, we got Star-Lord and Groot for MCU representation, Beta Ray Bill, because we all like Thor, Phyla-Vell and Moondragon, so that DnA fans and the LGBTQ can be pleased, and Cosmic Ghost Rider, because of Donny Cates.

Was the massive tease of who will be joining the team all for nothing? Nope. Those characters (Nighthawk, Gladiator, etc) were part of the assembly to hear Thanos' will and they will likely play a part when it comes to stopping the new version of the Mad Titan.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1 is now available in comic book stores.

Via Marvel and

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