After initially hyping a Filipina superhero for Marvel's War of the Realm: Agents of Atlas, writer Greg Pak has fulfilled his promise and shown off Wave, real name Pearl Pangan. The character will be making her debut in the first issue of this tie-in mini-series and it seems like this could be used as a springboard to a new ongoing comic, though that's just speculation.
Pak worked on the character with Filipino artist Leinil Francis Yu, who also drew the image we can also see below. She looks pretty great and it will be fun to see how she interacts with the other characters.
Currently, Agents of Atlas has founding member Jimmy Woo, the "Totally Awesome" Hulk Amadeus Cho, Wiccan from the Young Avengers, Silk from Amazing Spider-Man, and more. The original group had obscure characters from Marvel's golden age, featuring oddball heroes like Gorilla-Man, M-11, The Uranian, Namora, Venus, and 3-D Man, along with the aforementioned Jimmy Woo.
Woo also made his MCU debut recently in Ant-Man and The Wasp, though it looks like he'll be a typical S.H.I.E.L.D. agent for now. Hopefully, if Marvel decides to go on a more experimental route, Marvel can introduce the Agents of Atlas, whether it be the War of the Realms version of the original and wacky iteration.
War of the Realms: Agents of Atlas #1 comes out this May.
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