Marvel's Spider-Man Originally Had Separate Boss Fights For Each Sinister Six Member

Marvel's Spider-Man is a pretty amazing game, pun intended, but it's not a flawless title. The game has a few glitches and some of the stealth sections where players control Mary Jane or Miles Morales can be a bit dull, especially when compared to controlling Spidey. Another issue fans had was with the Sinister Six boss fights since four of the members ended up being used in tag battles.

Players had to take on the teams of Electro and Vulture, as well as Rhino and Scorpion. While not bad encounters, many felt that it made each villain feel less special because they were not given individual missions dedicated to them. Sure, fans did have to chase Electro around during one mission in The Raft but that's about it.

Game Informer conducted an interview with the game's creative director Bryan Intihar, who said that each Sinister Six member was supposed to have an individual mission and fight dedicated to them. Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the development team feeling like these missions just padded out the game, they were put into tag battles.

Originally we had more missions with Rhino, Vulture, Electro that were outside of what you saw in the final game. But what happened wasthat, A. we were kind of running out of time, and B. it felt like a lot of fluff… it didn't hit the quality bar. At the end of the daywe wanted to say, "quality is most important." Whether it's 20 hours, 22 hours that doesn't matter. It's "how do we make the highest quality experience?"
…What we ended up doing was we started trimming down these extra missions and activities,and started condensing things. And the beauty of that is things like the Electro-Vulture boss fight actually ended up being way better than having the two separate fights that we were going to do. It tied better into the story and the flow of act three, so it was almost like the constraint actually ended up making for a better product at the end of the day.

It's a shame that these memorable characters didn't have solo battles dedicated to them since they're also great in their own ways. Electro is hyped up as the first super-powered villain that Spidey ever fought, while Vulture is his oldest enemy in the game's history. Scorpion is also given an awesome redesign and a much more sinister personality, which would have made for a fun fight. Rhino was just dumb muscle but when you consider how scary he was during one particular stealth section with Miles, it would have been fun to take him down.

Marvel's Spider-Man, also known as Spider-Man PS4, is available now. DLC for the game will be coming on October 26.

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