Marvel's Spider-Geddon Just Gave Spider-Man PS4 Fans the Best Reveal

It's already been a few months but people are still talking about Marvel's Spider-Man, the PS4 exclusive title from Insomniac Games. The second DLC, Turf Wars, just came out and it offered fans a very dark chapter that had a lot of depressing moments, including the ending. Fans are also waiting for the final DLC chapter, Silver Lining, which might have the return of fan-favorite character Silver Sable.

Another reason why people are still thinking about the game is due to that Peter Parker's involvement in Spider-Geddon, where he joined Superior Spider-Man's team to take on Morlun and his sadistic family. Spider-Geddon also has a number of other Spider-Men from alternate universes, since The Inheritors need to feed on these various Spider-People.

Spider Cop is a thing now in Marvel Comics.

Spider-Geddon #4 revealed that there is a Spider-Man who is a veteran police officer. That's right, Spider-Cop exists and the Insomniac version of Peter Parker is stoked to know that he exists.

For those unaware, Spider-Cop is a running joke PS4 Spidey likes to do when he talks to his good friend Yuri Watanabe, a policewoman who actually trusts the superhero. Everytime that Spider brings him up, he uses a tough grizzly voice whilst spouting out some "gritty" exposition. The impression itself isn't funny but the fact that he does it to annoy Yuri is always good for a laugh.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available now. Spider-Geddon #4 is in comic book stores now.

Read:Spider-Man: Turf Wars is Now Available, Launch Trailer Released