Marvel's Expanding the Universe Reveals Hawkeye Concept Art for Kate Bishop

It looks like Marvel's Disney+ show, Expanding the Universe, is going to be one to watch since it has teased a lot of post-Endgame content. To the glee of many, the first episode had a bunch of concept art for future MCU shows in Disney+, including the upcoming Hawkeye series. The best part is that it shows us their vision for Kate Bishop and it's exactly what fans want out of this show.

Seen in both casual clothes and her Young Avengers gear, this is pretty much everything fans could ask for. The art that shows Kate and Clint arguing while shooting bad guys with their bows is great and captures the spirit of Matt Fraction's acclaimed Hawkeye run really well. Speaking of Matt Fraction's Hawkeye, some of the art also has Lucky a.k.a. Pizza Dog, which should have a lot of people jumping for joy.

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Credit: Marvel Entertainment/Disney+
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Credit: Marvel Entertainment/Disney+
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Credit: Marvel Entertainment/Disney+

Honestly, even with all of the controversy surrounding Jeremy Renner, it's hard not to be excited about this series. Hawkeye has become a pretty interesting character thanks to the Endgame and it will be awesome to see how Clint can live with himself when he killed so many people during the five-year-jump from Infinity War to Endgame.

Disney+ is going to be available very soon, though Hawkeye won't be coming out for a while. Kate Bishop hasn't been cast yet, though many were hoping that it was going to be Hailee Steinfeld, given how good she is in various films. Let's wait and see.


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