Marvel's Avengers Confirms More PlayStation Exclusive Content

Credit: PlayStation

Credit: PlayStation

Crystal Dynamics recently confirmed that Spider-Man will only be available on PS4 and PS5 and it looks like there'll be more extra goodies for PlayStation owners!

Teasing the exclusive content bit by bit, Crystal Dynamics previewed more of the game's PlayStation 4 exclusives in a recent blog post. Each time a new hero launches, PlayStation players will get 30-day exclusive access to one of their outfits, emotes, takedowns, and nameplates. This also goes for heroes coming afterward like Hawkeye.

The blog post also teases Marvel's Avengers detailed Community Challenges, events where players work together to unlock rewards. A new Community Challenge is set each month, and PlayStation players will have access to exclusive Community Challenges that will unlock specific rewards for that console.

PlayStation Plus members get even more! These players will get a free bundle along with the launch of any new heroes as well as a set of cosmetics for Ms. Marvel when the game launches.

Aside from the confirmation of the wall-crawler, it was also revealed that the Marvel's Avengers beta will first be available to those who pre-ordered the game and then PlayStation 4 owners in general.

Marvel's Avengers is coming to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on September 4th. While the game will eventually make its way to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in time for the 2020 holiday season.

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