The higly-anticipated MCU film Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness follows Benedict Cumberbatch's latest journey to the Multiverse and parallel universes, where several known MCU characters exist including the surprise appearance of Doctor Strange’s renowned comic book companion, Clea.
In Multiverse of Madness' mid-credit scene, Strange was confronted by a sorcerer in a purple get-up played by Charlize Theron, and says, "You caused an incursion and we’re going to fix it," and cuts a hole in reality opening a portal to the Dark Dimension. After Doctor Strange opened up his new third eye, the pair quickly jumped to the portal.
Speaking to, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness head writer Michael Waldron breaks down the impact of introducing Strange's great love, Clea.
“We were really excited to introduce Clea,” Waldron said excitedly. “Getting Charlize Theron to play that character, holy crap! In the comics, Clea is Doctor Strange’s great love so to speak. The alternate Christine Palmer, as she says goodbye to our Doctor Strange, tells him to face his fears, to be willing to love someone else and to face that fear connecting with someone else.”
Waldron also shared that Clea will very be 'pivotal' in Doctor Strange's new journey after an incursion, a collision of two universes happened. This might mean that a live-action Secret Wars is finally being developed.
“It felt like the perfect time to finally introduce this very pivotal character in Doctor Strange’s canon,” Waldron teased. “Strange went to the Multiverse and tampered with it as much as you probably possibly could. I don’t think it’s any surprise per the rules that Reed [Richards] laid out that he caused an Incursion. So now there’s an oncoming collision of universes. But what does that mean for the MCU? We’ll find out. But we’ve got a semi-corrupted Doctor Strange and Clea on the case! So it’s going to be a lot of fun.”
After the heart-wrenching farewell between Christine Palmer and Doctor Strange, it appears to be the right time to introduce another potential love interest that would fit more with Strange's identity as a sorcerer, and of course, we can't think of anyone who deserves the spot aside from Clea.
In Marvel Comics, Clea is an excellent sorcerer like Doctor Strange and originally plays the love interest for the Sorcerer Supreme. Clea is the daughter of Prince Orini and a legitimate heir to rule the Dark Dimension, which is where she gained her powers. Clea has played a substantial part in Doctor Strange's journey in the comics, battling different mystic entities and defending the earth from mystical threats.
Although the MCU doesn't completely follow its source material, with Clea's introduction, it seems that the two are set for a really 'fun' adventure after the post-credits scene sees them jumping back on the Dark Dimension, which hints that Dormammu will be back again to face off against Doctor Strange, of course, with Clea on the sorcerer's side.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is still showing in theaters worldwide.
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