Marvel Releases Heartwarming Video Tribute to Stan Lee

If you haven't cried about Stan Lee yet then this video might be the one that does it. Stan was a huge influence to the comic book industry and pop culture in general, but Marvel was where he made his name, so it's fitting that the company would give him a lovely tribute. After all, if Stan wasn't in Marvel, we'd be living in a very different world right now.

You'll see big Marvel names like Joe Quesada and Tom Brevoort sharing stories about "The Man," with Quesada's story being particularly heartwarming. He thanks Stan for "saving his life," since he wouldn't be this successful if it weren't for Marvel. Brevoort also tugs on our hearts by saying that Stan's greatest creation was himself since there is still no creative figure like Stan in comics right now.

Sana Amanat also discusses Stan's stance on tolerance and bigotry, making people know that hatred is unacceptable. Lee was able to create some of the first black characters in comics, like Black Panther and Falcon, whilst also planning for the X-Men to be a symbol of any race who go through intolerance.

Honestly, this whole video is just great and fans would be doing themselves a huge disservice if they don't see it. Stan will be honored for a long time and every Marvel comic book that we open will always have him in it.

Read:Confirmed: Stan Lee will Appear in Avengers 4, but NOT in Dark Phoenix