Marvel Studios has found success bringing more obscure characters to the big screen like with Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel. Now news has it that the studio is thinking of bringing one of the most powerful characters into the MCU—The Sentry.
This comes from Discussing Film who says that Marvel is considering bringing in the character with the "power of one million exploding suns". Nothing else specific has been said about how they plan to use the character, but it is complicated bringing him into the MCU, seeing as how everything has been established.
In the comics, Bob Reynolds was an overweight, middle-aged man who remembers that he is the all-powerful Sentry. He was actually superheroing as long as the Avengers were, but to stop his nemesis Void (which is apparently a part of himself), he had to erase everyone's memory of him—including himself.
It's kind of like a reverse Shazam! with a sprinkle of amnesia.
We don't know how this character could be brought into the MCU, but his origin is definitely an interesting one. I can think of several ways to bring him into the MCU with the characters we already have, but Marvel probably has their own idea, considering they've probably mapped out the films all the way to 2022. I guess all we can really do now is wait. Marvel will eventually find a way to bring Sentry into the story.
For now, catch Avengers: Endgame still in theaters.
See Also: Chris Hemsworth Fought to Keep Thor Fat in Avengers: Endgame