Marvel Fans Petition For Danny Devito To Be Cast As The MCU’s New Wolverine

Now that Disney's acquired 21st Century Fox and the studio's various film and television assets, Marvel fans are patiently waiting for the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and all of Fox's other mutants to make their way to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Of course, Marvel Studios has every intention of rebooting the X-Men film franchise after the release of X-Men: Dark Phoenix and New Mutants. Once the franchise is rebooted, fans are hoping to see a new Wolverine, with a petition asking Marvel Studios to cast Danny Devito as James Hawlett.

Taking to, Marvel fans have started a new petition asking Marvel to hire Junior star Danny Devito as the Marvel Cinematic Universe's new Wolverine. The petition's initial goal was to reach 5,000 signatures. It's broken that benchmark, raking in 5,014 as of this article's writing.

It's interesting how the petition is gaining so much traction onine.

"The only man able to take the throne after Hugh Jackman," petition creator Ring Arius wrote on page. "We believe that if Wolverine is to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the only man able to pull it off is Danny Devito."

While Marvel may try considering the fan petition, fans have to remember that Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige announced earlier this month that the X-Men heroes wouldn't be making any appearances in the MCU for a "very long time." After all, Marvel still has to sort out Phase 4 of the franchise. Guess Devito fans will just have to wait and see whether Marvel will consider their request at all.

Marvel's latest film, Avengers: Endgame, is currently screening in cinemas.

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