It looks like a Marvel fan just got taken down on the internet after mansplaining The Punisher to a female comic book writer who'd actually had experience writing the character in different series.
Taking to Twitter to make fun of right-wing extremists who've been bashing Brie Larson's Captain Marvel for not smiling enough in the trailer, comic book writer Gail Simone decided to put up a post saying that the Punisher would be better off he would smile more.
"All I'm saying is, give the ladies a little eye candy. I don't think I should have to support a show that clearly hates half of its audience by not showing a little more butt cleavage," Simone taunted in a follow-up tweet.
The joke clearly flew about a certain Marvel fan's head, because a Twitter decided to take Simone on, mansplaining why the jab doesn't work.
"He actually has a huge plot point as to why he doesn't smile a lot. Try harder," the Twitter user replied.
Simone then tried to point out her status as a comic book author by sharing a photo of her comics lined up on a shelf, but the mansplaining Twitter user still didn't understand. Instead, he went on bashing the shelf littered with "what looks to be mostly female-centric comic books." When one of Simone's followers told this Marvel fan to read the spines of these comic books, the fan just went on with his case, saying that it only made her case look worse "seeing as how she should know better."
What this Marvel fan didn't know was that Simone actually did write the Punisher in her Agent X comics, making his whole argument invalid. However, once he realized his mistake, the man apologized sincerely to Simone and admitted that he was ignorant about her status.
All's well that ends well, we guess. Still, let this be a cautionary tale – don't mansplain.
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