Earlier this month, The Irishman director Martin Scorsese was caught in quite a predicament for his controversial comment on comic book movies not being "cinema." There hasn't been any explanation on what Scorsese actually means by that, but it got some people talking, including fans, actors, and directors. Now, Scorsese tries to clear up what he said about Marvel movies.
Scorsese recently attended the London Film Festival press conference for his movie The Irishman. The topic about the Marvel criticism surfaced and here's what he had to say about it in an effort to provide some context for his comment (via Hey U Guys).
"What has to be protected is the singular experience of experiencing a picture, ideally with an audience. But there's room for so many others now, and so many other ways. There's going to be crossovers, completely," Scorsese said. "The value of a film that's like a theme park film, for example, the Marvel-type pictures, where the theaters become amusement parks, that's a different experience. I was saying earlier, it's not cinema, it's something else. Whether you go for that or not."
Based on his statement, I believe the director is implying that there's more room for other movie genres to be slated, aside from "Marvel-type pictures." And that standalone movies should exist on their own and go with a specific plotline that doesn't rely on a different movie to then be made.
However, it's not entirely clear what Scorsese really meant by comparing comic book movies to those of amusement parks. People could interpret Scorsese's comments into different things but it's clear that the director is firm with his observations.
The Irishman will premiere on Netflix on November 1.
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