Mark Ruffalo Reaches Out to Chris Evans After Embarrassing NSFW Photo Leak

In case you missed it, Chris Evans has been trending all over the world after he accidentally leaked an NSFW photo on his own Instagram post. Although the video has since been deleted, people still can't stop talking about it on social media so Mark Ruffalo decided to reach out to his Avengers: Endgame co-star in an effort to reassure Evans that things will be okay.

It was previously reported that Evans posted a video on his Instagram account as part of the Heads Up game. However, the Captain America: Civil War actor also forgot to trim the clip which concluded with a shot of his camera roll that included a picture of an erect penis.

The incident immediately had Evans trending on Twitter and it didn't take long before Ruffalo learned about it so he decided to comfort his Marvel Cinematic Universe castmate by making a Donald Trump reference. Take a look at his tweet below.

"@ChrisEvans Bro, while Trump is in office there is NOTHING you could possibly do to embarrass yourself. See... silver lining," Ruffalo wrote.

It's no secret that Ruffalo has been speaking out against the US president for some time now. With that in mind, we're not surprised that the actor made a reference to Trump in an effort to assure Evans that his NSFW accident isn't as bad as it seems.

But what happened to the leaked dick pic? Since Evans deleted the post, it made its rounds on Twitter. However, it has since disappeared as fans went out of their way to clear the actor's searches with wholesome photos of Evans with his dog.

Related: Chris Evans Shocks Fans With Leaked Nudes