Mark Ruffalo On The Biggest Marvel Spoiler He’s Ever Revealed

Aside from Tom Holland, Mark Ruffalo is the other Marvel star who's notoriously known for accidently giving away spoilers to upcoming Marvel films and now that Avengers: Endgame is on the way, fans can't help but poke fun at the Hulk actor.

Busy working on the press tour for the second entry in Joe and Anthony Russo's two-part Avengers movie, Marvel stars Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, and Jeremy Renner sat down together to speak with Entertainment Weekly for an interview.

During the discussion with the entertainment news outlet, Ruffalo was made to reflect his worst offense spoiling Marvel's secrets.

"What's the biggest thing that you've spilled about a movie, Mark?" asked Entertainment Weekly.

While Ruffalo was trying to think, Johansson was quick to respond, recalling that one time the actor accidentally leaked the audio to Taika Waititi's first Marvel entry, Thor: Ragnarok.

"What about that time when you streamed the first ten minutes of Thor: Ragnarok?" the Black Widow star suggested, laughing at Ruffalo.

"That's gotta be it," Downey Jr. agreed.

"That was one that got me the call from up high," Ruffalo admitted.

Despite the cause for concern that Ruffalo gave Marvel Studios, Hemsworth suggested that the actor's slip-up could have actually ended up working to Thor: Ragnarok's advantage. According to the Asgardian God of Thunder, viewers who managed to listen to the stream must have only thought of good things of Ragnarok because the audience laughed really hard while Ruffalo was accidentally streaming audio of the film's global premiere.

"It sort of turned around on me," Ruffalo revealed, "Because when I came to work on Monday [on the set of Endgame] everyone ran up to me. I thought they were coming to scream at me — Barry [Curtis, ‘supreme security at Marvel Studios'], he threw his arms around me. ‘That was genius! We got more press than we could have possibly paid for!'"

It's cute how clumsy Ruffalo can be – though we're pretty sure that Marvel's doing everything that it can to avoid accidents like the Ragnarok slip-up, especially with Endgame on the way.

Avengers: Endgame premieres April 26, 2019.

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